LOVE. PEACE. DEATH METAL. I AM THE DEATH METAL HIPPIE. This section of the shop features some lazy digital art, pop culture references, parody art, tribute art, art commissions for the Dark Lord, and all kinds of Zendian nonsense. I will aim to update the EROL ZENDIS DEATH METAL HIPPIE RANGE monthly. Viva La República Walt!
PRAYER - God Loves Us All
8 x 32 Inches
7.87 x 29.5 Inches
MECHADETH - Mustaine-Deth-Machine
10.25 x 30 Inches
MECHADETH - Mustaine-Deth-Machine
10.25 x 30 Inches
Trippykachu with a Dalí Mustache
7.87 x 29.5 Inches
Heil Prasident Maus - Dizney Uber Alles
7.87 x 29.5 Inches