Geek Meets Street

Our Boards are all based off our graphic novel Qi-Shift, which is inspired by the collision of Anime, Hip Hop and High Fantasy.
Our Ride Ready Boards are painted directly on the wood and the art does not scratch off easily.
Our Art Boards have either a White or Holographic base which gives beautiful vibrant color but the art will scratch off easily.
Tran-Sition Loading
8 x 32 Inches
Under Construction - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Under Construction - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Face Off - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Pan Poly Kitty - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Sparkly - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Chungus - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
0·TA·KU - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Siobhan Cosplay - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Marcus Cosplay - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Chibi Head - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Falcon Kick - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Suck It - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Kageshima Shinobu - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Otaku Board - Ride Ready
8 x 32 Inches
Chungus - Art Deck
8 x 32 Inches
Shipping 1 - Art Deck
8 x 32 Inches
Shipping 2 - Art Deck
8 x 32 Inches
Otaku Griptape
9 x 33 Inches